Alcohol and Lockdown
Don’t let this habit turn into a big problem!
As you can imagine there has been an increase in the consumption of alcohol since the pandemic started in 2020 and even though the lockdowns in Australia have been very few and short now, drinking has become somewhat of a habit now for many.
Habits do not take long to form!
A survey conducted by the Australian Drug and Alcohol Foundation found that 12% of Australians started consuming alcohol on a daily basis at the beginning of the pandemic. Even Australians who didn’t drink regularly, took up the habit.
One out of ten people were reportedly consuming over ten standard drinks per week and some drinking more than what they did previously.
The survey found that 20% of the population knew they were drinking more than they should which is worrying.
Alcohol can be mismanaged so easily. It can get its hooks into you before you know it and can have dire effects to our well-being, physically and mentally.
The effects of alcohol can expand beyond the individual and can have a huge impact of those around them. It can play out within families, tensions rising in homes, strains on relationships personally and professionally.
To give you an indication about how serious this habit can become, here are some facts about the drug alcohol according to Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) prior to the pandemic.
· One in six people consume alcohol at levels placing them at lifetime risk of an alcohol related disease or injury.
· Alcohol is a drug that acts as a depressant and slows down the brain and nervous system. It is the most widely used drug in Australia.
· Almost 6,000 Australians died from alcohol-attributable disease in a single year (2015), about one every 90 minutes.
As you can see, alcohol consumption in Australia has become quite an issue and leads to other chronic health which then also leads to additional pressure on the health system.
According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, just the social costs alone for the misuse of alcohol in 2010 alone was estimated at $14.35billion. Productivity losses (42.1%), Traffic accidents (25.5%) and Criminal justice system (20.6%) This is based on information from Manning, Smith & Mazerolle 2013.
The thing is, alcohol can lead us into a sense of false security, making us feel relaxed, feeling good and at the time we are sometimes oblivious to its impact. Alcohol cons you into thinking that you need it to perform, to be social, to relax, to escape, to feel confident, to function. But if you are relying on alcohol to feel relaxed and manage your health problems, then that in itself is a problem.
Some people can reduce their consumption without additional help however others may need some help to get back control.
has alcohol taken over?
This is where I can help …
My Drink Less to Success hypnosis program will help you make the changes you want.
Drinking becomes a habit and it’s an internal program that you’ve run for a while, very much like you’ve programmed yourself to drive a car, to ride a horse, to clean your teeth – you get the gist!
All your patterns and programs are run at the unconscious level and once we alter these, ‘reset’ them, then your life and behaviours change for the better.
Hypnosis can also help with problems extending from the alcohol itself such as relationships, weight, depression etc.
We will identify what’s actually happening and implement strategies so you will not only think about alcohol in a different way, you will feel differently and not need it as a crutch to cope.
You will be able to take control, feel better, feel better about yourself and lead a much healthier and happier life.
Now is the time to take action… start living the life you want!
Contact me for a Free Consultation - CLICK HERE